Shifting also means growth


Have you ever awakened from a good night sleep and said… today something has to change? It may be because something drastic happened or maybe you are just tired of the same ole thing day after day.

Something awakens inside of you to say, ok I have had enough of this. 

So many times we become accustomed to our daily habits which in turn leads to living a mediocre life. It can go on for weeks, months, heck even years. 

But ambition keeps us constantly evolving, always searching for more. A deeper meaning to who we are and what we’ve been placed on earth to become.

Some people die before finding their true purpose, while others waste their life away never reaching their full potential. Circumstances vary for each individual but there is one common factor. Each day we wake up is new opportunity to be better than we were yesterday. Like a reset button.

I can honestly say, I am not who I was yesterday.

I feel like I am consistently learning. One thing I am practicing now more than anything is removing negative people from my life who do not add to my overall happiness. That includes friends and especially family.

I can remember myself in my younger days (as I typed that line, I smiled.)

Anyway, I remember so vividly how I had a care free spirit. I did not even engage with negative, toxic individuals. The first sign of it, I was out, including relationships. That small shift allowed me to openly accept only those who truly valued me.

I got away from this practice as I got older because I wanted to see individuals more positivity, giving them the benefit of the doubt even after they showed me who they really were. That didn’t work out well for me because it often sacrificed who I was.

I talked in earlier posts about the strong need to evolve and I understand that cleansing is necessary so you do not keep moving backwards with the same people. If you cannot necessary remove them from your life you can work on accepting them which also helps you learn how to deal with them in a way that wont effect your energy.

That takes some strong will power because like most negative people their specialty is dragging others down. Their issues easily become your issues. Their thoughts become your thoughts. You end up out here looking crazy.

I am challenging you right now to shift from mediocre to great by removing negative individuals from your space.

"Your mind is a garden.
Your thoughts are the seeds.
You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds.”

Remember you are not the same person you were yesterday.  Learn from your experiences today so you do not make them again tomorrow. No matter what stage of life you may be in, growing from the seeds you’ve already planted is part of the process. 

The question of the day is… will you grow flowers or weeds in your life garden?



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