tips to get your kids excited about fitness

You do not have to be a fitness trainer to learn some of the basics of exercise and how to motivate your kids to start it at an early age.


Even if you have not chosen the healthiest habits for yourself and kids, today is your sign to start. We are the first role model our children see, if they see us choosing an apple instead of chips for a snack they will likely want to do the same. These type of choices are easier to instill in your children when they are younger so I say the earlier the better.

But for those of you with children over the age 9, don’t be discouraged. Changing an unhealthy routine now can be more challenging but it is still possible.

Many experts believe it takes 10 weeks to break a bad habit, depending on how deeply ingrained it is. Another factor is simply the person and their will to change.

I am excited for you and I’m here to help you and your family get started.

tip 1: Keep it simple

No need to complicate things, keep it SIMPLE. Before you start your morning routine with them, do 5 jumping jacks and 5 squats before they brush their teeth. Then have them try walking high knees back to their room to get dressed for school. Simple right? Less is more when first starting off because you can always increase the reps or build in more time.

I have suggested to some parents to start with short intervals when beginning this journey. For example, when I first would take our twins out on their bikes we would only go around the block. I waited for them to say, “can we ride more?” Then we started setting out for longer trips and packing water and a snack to make it like an adventure. I now have to ride my bike just to keep up with them.

You never want to start with vigorous activities or things they may not be able to do yet because you want them to feel confident that they can do it. This leads me right into my next tip.

Tip 2: do it together

Yes that means you too! Kids are more likely to embrace this new healthy habit if you do it with them. Remember you are their first role model and they want to be like you.

I know as busy parents we are quick to throw out commands and expect our kids to just do them. But if you want your kids to like, be engaged, and want to try something new, then you have got to get up and do it with them!

Especially if you are trying to help them unlearn unhealthy habits.

Tip 3: make it fun!

No one, including me truly likes to exercise just for the heck of it. For adults, we do it for more energy, to see flattering results, or sometimes because we have to for health reasons. For kids, the #1 reason they might be open to trying something new is because it looks FUN!

Don’t bore them when trying to introduce new things. I learned this with my first born including introducing new veggies.

Make exercise fun by turning on silly music to crank out 10 squats or get really pumped up to do something simple like toe touches. Our 4-year old twins absolutely love obstacle courses and I enjoy setting out cones, ropes, balls and anything I can find to make up a challenging routine.

They enjoy going through the obstacle course over and over again. Even trying to beat their completion time. So I would say obstacle courses are a WIN!!!!

The tips I outlined in this article will for sure get you and your family excited about this new journey. They are both simple yet effective. I believe in you and cannot wait to hear all about it.

Please comment below and let me know how everything is going.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.””
— Aristotle

#LiveLaughLoveExercise #mooretocome #addmooretoyourday


Raising self-sufficient kids